Stochastic tabu search for the single machine scheduling with setups and storage

Prelegent: dr Polina Kononova (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russian Federation)
Miejsce: Sala seminaryjna B1-8
Data i godzina: 25 czerwca 2018 r., g. 13:00

Abstract: We consider the following single machine scheduling problem originated from the tile industry. A factory produces homogeneous products of several types. Products of the same type are produced in batches. Minimum batch size is known. The sequence-dependent batch setup time is given. We know a set of jobs. Each job consists of a set of operations. Each operation corresponds to manufacturing of a product with a certain type and quantity. The factory has storage with unlimited capacity and some quantity of each product. We can use the product from the storage instead of producing it. The tardiness of job is defined as the positive time difference between the due date of job and the completion time of the last operation of this job. Our aim is to find a schedule minimizing the total weighted tardiness. We design a stochastic tabu search to tackle this NP-hard problem. Computational results for real-world instances from the tile industry are also discussed.