Optimization problems in intermodal container transport at sea ports

Prelegent: prof. Erwin Pesch (University of Siegen, Niemcy)
Miejsce: Sala seminaryjna B1-8
Data i godzina: 10 maja 2018 r., g. 10:30

Abstract: We focus on a container dispatching and conflict-free yard crane routing problem that arises at a storage yard in an automated, maritime container terminal. A storage yard serves as an intermediate buffer for import/export containers and exchanges containers between water- and landside of a maritime terminal. For two rail mounted gantry cranes the question is in which order and by which crane the import/export containers are transported in order to minimize the makespan and prevent crane interferences. We solve this problem to optimality by a branch-and-cut approach and assess the quality of our solution method in a computational study.